Category: Online Resources
Book Pahlavi typeface
Amir Mahdi Moslehi speaks to Khatt Chronicles about designing Iranian typefaces, including a font for Middle Persian, on which I had the pleasure of advising him. If you listen to the conversation, I am happy to announce that we seem to be really close to an encoding of Pahlavi in Unicode, mostly due to the…
Past Imperfect 9.12.24
Lovely to find out about ‘Stolen Fragments’ by Roberta Mazza, and that Emily Wilson now has a substack. In its first post, Wilson examines four translations of the Odyssey’s opening. Years ago, I read a Guardian article doing something similar and found Wilson’s translation the most convincing.
TISS-Parzor Academic Programme
‘Parzor is delighted to announce its long awaited TISS-Parzor Online Academic Programme on Culture & Heritage Studies’. As part of this programme, you can ‘learn, gain credits, explore exciting issues of environment and sociology, craft, art, literature, theatre, cuisine as well as business and philanthropy’. For admissions and programme details, visit the TISS Website.
Berkeley Working Papers in Middle Iranian Philology
Adam Benkato and I have finally launched our journal, Berkeley Working Papers in Middle Iranian Philology, where we intend to publish short and longer articles or research reports on the philology and epigraphy of the Middle Iranian languages (Middle Persian, Parthian, Bactrian, Sogdian, Chorasmian, Khotanese). We start the Working Papers with issue 0, Towards a…
Once more: Looking for Love!
There is a documentary of 27 minutes on Zoroastrian/Parsi attempts of finding love through community events. The clip I posted previously is part of this radio documentary. You need to be registered and signed in to be able to listen to the documentary.
Looking for love!
A short 3 minutes video by @BBCWorld on Zoroastrians, it seems mainly Parsis (no distinction made in the video), and the “World Zoroastrian Youth Congress” where the youth meet and connect in an attempt to preserve the growth of the community.
History of Humanities
Last week, I taught about Anquetil-Duperron, William Jones, the discovery of language similarity and the beginnings of IE Studies. Disciplines such as Iranian Studies or #Indology, as we know them today, would not have been possible without those efforts and contributions. I also made it a point to at least briefly discuss “genesis amnesia” and…
Ritual Matter(s): Nowruz Ceremonies of the Zoroastrian New Year in Tehran
Another photo essay by Behrad Mistry, again from last year and over at the Ajam Media Collective. The Zoroastrian New Year coincides with the Spring Equinox. It marks not only the beginning of the calendar, but the renewal of life in its perennial struggle with death. This annual milestone is an occasion for celebration, and…
Zoroastrian Nowruz in Tehran: Celebrating the “Big Five” – Ajam Media Collective
A commented photo essay from last year by Behrad Mistry over at the Ajam Media Collective. The following is a photo essay by Behrad Nafissi Mistry. Born into the caste of Zoroastrian priests, Behrad is half Indian Parsi, half Iranian and is currently training to also serve as a priest. Behrad is a photo-journalist at…
Arabic translators & Greek philosophy
Peter Adamson has a short article, entitled Arabic translators did far more than just preserve Greek philosophy, over at Aeon on the impact of the Arabic translations of Greek philosophy. You can even listen to the article being read by someone at!
Abadan:Retold is an innovative, multi-media social history project invented and managed by Rasmus Christian Elling, an Associate Professor of Iranian Studies at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. A crucial part of the project is an online portal ( with multiple functions.
Call for contributions
Bibliographia Iranica would like to invite publishers, colleagues and our readers to send us information about upcoming publications that are relevant to our field of interest. Please use the ‘Contact‘ page to send us the bibliographic information. Your submission will be reviewed by the team and published in due course. Contributed bibliographic posts will be marked…
Masters of Persian calligraphy
Congratulations to Hamidreza Ghelichkhani, who curated and annotated this delightful anthology in collaboration with Kambiz GhaneaBassiri. This anthology invites audiences to interact with select works of Iranian masters of calligraphy from the tenth to the twentieth century. These works were carefully chosen to represent the artistic canon that has shaped the world of calligraphy in…
Die Arier
An interesting ZDF documentary about racist ideologies in Germany. 35 minutes into the documentary Josef Wiesehöfer is interviewed about the term ‘Arier’ followed by interviews with people in Abyaneh, presumably because they are believed to be Zoroastrians! The journey to Iran ends with a few shots at Naqš-e Rostam.
A new bibliographic blog!
As was planned, I have now moved this blog to a new location at Bibliographia Iranica. While purpose and scope remain largely the same, the new blog will be maintained by Sajad Amiri, Shervin Farridnejad, Yazdan Safaee and myself (Arash Zeini). I hope that we will be able to post more frequently on the new…