Auch Gedanken fallen manchmal unreif vom Baum.

Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • I used to think that the politics of a certain site’s owner didn’t matter. I have changed my mind. Would you join that other man’s Truth Social? I wouldn’t. So, why stay here? Since I don’t know the answer, I…

  • I have been waiting for ‘A Dream of White Horses’ by @underagreysky. From what I have read, although fiction, the story is relevant to what is happening in the UK right now. You can pre-order the book directly from the…

  • This forthcoming series published by Brill, entitled ‘Non-Mainstream Religion in the Middle East’, is great news. It’s about time we have more studies on contemporary, lived and living religions. The peer-reviewed series Non-Mainstream Religion in the Middle East aims to…

  • ‘Parzor is delighted to announce its long awaited TISS-Parzor Online Academic Programme on Culture & Heritage Studies’. As part of this programme, you can ‘learn, gain credits, explore exciting issues of environment and sociology, craft, art, literature, theatre, cuisine as…

  • Susan Bernofsky’s (@translationista) biography of Robert Walser, ‘Clairvoyant of the Small’, is a true masterpiece. She has also translated Yoko Tawada’s Celan-based novel into English: ‘Paul Celan und der chinesische Engel’. Listen to her talk about her work.

  • Die Debatte um „Die Zukunft der Arbeit“ ist ein guter Anlass dieses wunderbare Bändchen, „Philosophie der Arbeit“, herausgegeben von Suhrkamp Verlag noch einmal ins Visier zu nehmen, vor allem die Beiträge über den Müßiggang. Es seien erwähnt „Das Recht auf…

  • I suggest German, not necessarily as a language of poetry, although it does well there too, but as a language of extraordinarily poetic prose. Yes. Nietzsche and Walter Benjamin are two general favourites, of course, and here a couple of…

  • ‘It dramatises – literally – the psychic violence and intergenerational trauma that can be wreaked upon a people’. Claire Kilroy on a fundamental truth of life and ‘Beloved’ by the brilliant Toni Morrison, via @GuardianBooks: Claire Kilroy: ‘My moral compass…

  • آخرین بار در بوخوم دیدمش. با اینکه ناخوش بود، لطف کرد و اومد برای سخنرانی‌ام. بعدش هم برای پروژه کتاب بعدیش پیشنهاد همکاری داد. حیف که دیگر فرصت گفت‌وگویی نخواهیم داشت. دانشمند قهاری بود و دانش زیادی داشت که خیلی…

  • There’s so much in this short video that relates to my work and interests. Hopefully soon.

  • Don’t know much about this one. Quoting for the poetic title, the gorgeous cover, and the steady hand of Bluemoose Books when it comes to publishing great books.

  • دو هفته پیش پسر همسایه اجازه گرفت و چند تا گیلاس از درخت ما چید. امروز برام گوجه آورد که از پارک کنده بود.‌ قرار شد وقتی انجیرهای درخت ما رسیدند دوباره با نردبونش برگرده.

  • I love dogs and often meditate on this photo. Something in those eyes, in the captured moment that seems so human. This one is the embodiment of the rōnin, but not because this is a Japanese stray. It’s in the…

  • I thoroughly enjoyed working with Olivia this term. She is a brilliant scholar, and I very much look forward to her book. The opportunity to discuss Ab’s ideas was an unexpected and very welcome side effect. Good luck to you…

  • Mir scheint es, die Zeiten haben sich geändert. In ihrem Buch, ‘Im Dickicht der Zeichen’, beschreibt Aleida Assmann ihr Studium in den 60er Jahren: 1966 war das Jahr, in dem ich Abitur gemacht habe und mein Studium begann. Die Studienjahre…